BROWN CITY MISSIONARY CHURCH in Brown City, Michigan is searching for an Associate Pastor.
Anyone with interest should submit a letter of interest and resume to Pastor Mike Cadrette at michael.s.cadrette@gmail.com and Doug Muxlow at dmuxlow4@gmail.com.
Any questions should be directed to Pastor Mike.
NEW LIFE MISSIONARY CHURCH in Bay City, Michigan is searching for a Senior Pastor.
See job description for more information or contact the church at (989) 686-5777, or baycitynewlife@gmail.com.
DAVISON MISSIONARY CHURCH in Davison, MI, a congregation of 500, is seeking a full-time Children's Director. This person will give oversight of the children's ministry (nursery through six-grade), which includes recruiting, training, and scheduling of volunteers. Interested parties, who are in full agreement with the Missionary Church Articles of Faith and Practice, should send a resume with a letter of interest to Lead Pastor Jason Crum at jcrum@davisonmc.org.
CASS CITY MISSIONARY CHURCH, ASSOCIATE PASTOR - We are seeking a team player to join us full-time who is able to help people take steps in Loving Jesus, Loving Others, and Proving It. The Associate Pastor will give oversight to the children’s and/or youth ministry of the church, and assist in other areas of ministry within the church. Please send resume to ccmc@casscitymc.org or contact Pastor Jeremy Woodall for more information: 989-872-2729