Regional Highlights
Church Revitalization:
Over the past 6 months, we have had ten (10) churches undergoing revitalization. The Michigan Region, in partnership with Barnabas Ministries, is supporting the transformation of these churches. The Holy Spirit is at work!
Calling all the Called Ones:
If you have leaders that desire to pursue ministry licensing and/or ordination, please contact the Regional Office for details and help to get started. office@mcmichigan.org
Regional Prayer Leaders – Lynn Adams llynnadams@gmail.com, Jim Keller jimwkeller@comcast.net, Tyler Whitcomb RPM@mcmichigan.org
Colonial Woods Counseling Center https://www.cwccounselingcenter.com/
Before It Begins https://beforeitbegins.org/
Need Coaching? Jim Jordan & Mike Cadrette (Trained & Certified)
Refreshing Ministries https://www.refreshingmercies.org/
Vinia Coaching https://vinia.org/coaching-special-offer/
Town & Country Coaching https://www.town-country-pastor-coaching.net/
Marriage On Mission https://www.marriageonmission.com/about
PIR Ministries Pastoral Renewal https://pirministries.org